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  • Writer's pictureShanzé Shah

Whats for Lunch?

So I thought I'd share some of lunches from this week. My food may not look Instagram worthy but then again I just want to share the reality of what I eat and not rainbow coloured pictures! Also I don't really understand/ like rainbow food.


Its filling, takes on pretty much any flavouring you add to it and very easy to make, hence a great go to lunch choice.

So Monday night I made a lot of quinoa. I made a batch just with minimal seasoning and lots of vegetables. Adding carrots, bell peppers, green chillies and radishes. I didn't add any dressing at this point as that would cause water build up. So its a good idea to just make it like this and then add a different dressing for every day!

Curry Quinoa

Cumin powder

Chilli flakes

Dried garlic (Pylones do an awesome £1 sachet!)

Curry powder (works great as a seasoning powder)

Dried Herbs

Lemon juice

No exact quantities because it really just depends on your own taste.


I just had some salad with some cucumbers & strawberries ... Yes I know, odd, I tried it for the first time myself and weirdly, it works.

East Asian Quinoa

Soy sauce

Fish sauce


Argan Oil (Sesame Oil would be better, but this is very nutty too)

Chilli flakes

As you can see my quinoa is slightly darker cause of the soy and even though it was the same quinoa, it was a completely different salad.


I had some greens, cucumber and humous which as you can see didn't stay in its designated corner BUT it all tasted good!


So every Thursday near my university there is a Farmers Market. I realise that this is going to be a very costly year for me because honestly there is food from all over the world there ,from curries to paella, pasta, cakes...( I am going to do a separate post on the market thoroughly).

I was not crazy hungry but I couldn't not buy anything so I bought some Vegetable Gyoza and added plenty of chilli garlic oil on top.

One was a milder one with anchovies (left) and had a lovely fishy crunch and the other a more garlicy spicy one (right).

I am definitely going to buying a bottle of these two next week for addinG in everything ( GARLIC + CHILLI is amazing).

I can't wait to try something new every week! It was really cool to see so much local produce on sale aswell and even fresh fish being grilled!!

This is a brief post but I thought it would be interesting to share a few of my lunches and I'll try to keep a better record next time so I can share more! I still have a lot of quinoa left so I have to get very inventive for a few more dressings for next weeks lunch.


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